DMP is a Multiplayer Mod for Kerbal Space Program.
With it its now possible to watch other peoples Spacetape Art while it crashes or Fly with them to the moon

In order to join the Fun just download the Client, install it and and join a Server from the Server List.
Tip: DMP has its own Mumble Server for your VoIP plessure. Just Connect to using the Default Port (64738). You can Download the Mumble Client here.

There are lots of Servers in the Serverlist.
If you want to host your own do the Following:
- Download the Server here
- Forward the DMP default Port (6702) in your Router
- If you want to get listed on the Serverlist install the DMP Reporting Server-plugin

If you want to contribute to the Development of the mod (being able to type is enough to do so) join our Discord server.